Progressive Party Manifesto

The progressive party posted their manifesto on Wittenberg and it is reprinted here

The Progressive Party is the 2nd oldest party in the Kingdom, and has always been the party of ideas. Cosa candidate lists, Kingdom/Republic reunion, a more generous attitude to micronations, Cabinet reform – we’ve always been ahead of the curve when it comes to the important ideas. Last Cosa we spearheaded the slimming down of our bloated and ineffective Cabinet and much-needed judicial reform, as well as starting the conversation about better provincial cachement areas. We would love for you to consider voting for us for the next Cosa so we can continue to be a influential voice for generosity, culture, and healthy provinces.

Our Three Planks this time are:

THE HUMANITARIAN AID FUND: Talossa is a nation, and its actions as a nation matter. A Progressive Talossa would show its priorities as a nation by offering contributions to charities which represent the Talossan tradition. The first charity we would donate to – on behalf of the People and Government of the Kingdom of Talossa – would be the American Red Cross, with a minimum donation target of 50USD.

PROVINCIAL REPRESENTATION AND CACHEMENT REFORM: Provinces have always functioned erratically. We believe more natural geographical links for provincial assignment would improve things, and would make face-to-face Talossan political activity a lot easier. A Progressive Talossa would hold a “straw” Cezembre Moot, open to all European Talossans, where the priority would be social but political debate and motions would also happen. However, provinces need a holistic solution – including a reassessment of how they are represented in the Senate. We would push for a solution to the issues of the Senate this term – and we are open to any solution, from more proportional representation to outright abolition.

THE TALOSSAN LITERARY PRIZE: A Progressive Talossa would also show its priorities by encouraging Talossan culture in every way possible, because Talossa shining “like a city on a hill” includes contributing to the world with beauty and civilization. As an outworking of that, we will aim to establish a Talossan Literary Prize, with a small prize (20USD) for the winner.

A Progressive Talossa is a more generous, more beautiful, and more equitable Talossa. Please help us accomplish that with your vote.

Our manifesto was put together by a group of Talossan peculiarists, both within the Progressive Party and beyond. We welcome questions and contributions.

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