the 47th Cosa: a retrospective
Now that we are preparing to elect the 48th Cosa, let’s review let’s 47th Cosa.
First, it was a very active active one compared to recent ones with a total of 46 Bills clarked, compared to 29 and 30 for the last two Cosas. Of the 46 Bills, 32 were adopted or almost 70%!
The 5 Ziu members who proposed or co-sponsored the most bills were, in descending order:
- Martì-Paír Furxhéir (MC PC) and Miestrâ Schivâ (Senator of Fiova) each with 14 bills
- C. Carlüs Xheraltescù (MC LIB), with 9 bills
- Cresti Matáiwos Siervicül (MC RUMP) with 7 bills
- Txec Róibeard dal Nordselva (MC RUMP, then MC PP) with 6 bills
We also have what is most likely a record number of amendments with 12 referendums scheduled for the current election.
The 47th Cosa was numerous in people too: We had 23 Cosa members from 6 different parties, which is 4 more Cosa members and 2 new parties ( the PP and the PC).
Interestingly, only 3 Cosa members lost their seats: Renalt da Fhamulm of the MRPT in the 2nd Clark, Gödafrïeu Válcadác’h of the ZRT, in the 4th Clark, and Davíu Éovart (Éoväd) Andrinescu of the LIB party in the 5th Clark.
Another surprise was the stability in the Cosa: only 1 Cosa member changed party during the Cosa: Txec Róibeard dal Nordselva who changed his 11 RUMP seats for 5 PP seats.
Many Cosa members voted on all of the Clarks for which they were a Cosa member:
- Alexandreu Davinescu, RUMP
- C. Carlüs Xheraltescù, LIB
- Eovart Xhorxh, RUMP
- Ieremiac’h Ventrutx, PC
- Martì-Paír Furxhéir, PC
- Moritz Iesu Preiria Fernaodescu, ZRT
- Mximo Carbonel, ZRT
- Óïn D. Ursüm, ZRT
- Owen Christopher Edwards, PP
- Sevastáin Pinátsch, MRPT
- Tric’hard Carschaleir, MRPT
- Txec Róibeard dal Nordselva, RUMP and later PP
- Txosuè Éiric Rôibeardescù, LIB
The Chancery would like to thank them for their service
As for the Senate, Pôl d’Aurìbuérg, from Florencià, Magniloqueu Épiqeu da Lhiun from Maritiimi-Maxhestic and Bradley Collin Holmes from Atatûrk each missed 1 Clark, while the other 5 had perfect attendance records.
The 47th Ziu saw also a lot of improvements in the database system used to manage the Clarks, including collapsible bills, a pending list of referendum page, improvement on the tacking of bill status, the \\ being finally fixed and improvements to the Clark voting results which made them easier to read.
Finally, since the 46th Cosa was dissolved, 25 new citizens joined the Kingdom or 25% of the number of voters in the last election!