Short Zespenat Issue
I have a schedule in place for writing for Preßeu Zespenat which involves writing articles in the morning before work, mostly on mornings of the week-end before publication where I write the most up to date articles.
This month, I had planned to cover the new cabinet, the first Clark, the election tally and a few other subjects I will keep silent for now since they may be covered in the August issue.
I even had a schedule set on which articles to write Saturday morning and which articles to write Sunday morning.
So what happened?
Last week my company got a new hosting contract for a dedicated server and the server was activated Friday morning, with the client requested for the migration to occur over the week-end.
I had planned to still write during the migration as it is usually mostly a hands-off almost automated operation but that’s only in an ideal scenario and this week-end was far, very far from ideal!
I ended up working intensely over 5 hours Saturday morning without a minute of pause, and another 6 hours Sunday morning and then, 2 hours Monday morning before my regular work began.
Not only was I unable to write the articles I wanted to write, but I didn’t get to relax much over my week-end so when I was hit with major problems at work Monday and Tuesday while trying to deliver a nightmarish project for another client, my remaining energy levels were drained and on the 15th, instead of delivering Preßeu Zespenat before work, I slept in and even began work later than usual…
And so, here are the pre-written articles for Preßeu Zespenat. I was anticipating to finally cover the first Clark, but that ship has sailed. Let’s just hope that the August 2015 issue will be easier to write.